Overhead view of criscrossed downed logs.Wooden trim

Other Services & Programs

Ahtna Village Culture Camps

Ahtna supports Ahtna Culture Camps, where Elders share precious time and knowledge with youth and others in the region. These are opportunities to share historical stories, traditional ways of subsistence and the Ahtna language.

Graduate Recognition Benefit Program

Shareholders receive a congratulatory gift for graduation from high school or college. Please visit the Graduate Recognition Benefit page to learn more about requirements and gifts.

Memorial Fund

Ahtna maintains a Memorial Fund, providing shareholder families with much-needed funds to assist with expenses following the death of a loved one. Assistance is also available, upon request, for preparing a funeral program, including design, printing, and folding.

Regional Community Support

Ahtna supports non-profit organizations in the Ahtna region that address quality of life issues, culture, environmental stewardship, safety, and education. Ahtna works with Copper River Native Association, Mount Sanford Tribal Consortium, Copper River Basin Regional Association, and Ahtna Tribes.

Contributions to Village Churches & Organizations Contributions

Ahtna provides an annual contribution to each of the seven villages in the region that merged with Ahtna, Inc.