Monitoring and curtailing trespass and illegal activities on Ahtna lands continues to be a high priority for the Ahtna Board and Land Department. Often shareholders or Tribal members who observe an illegal activity are reluctant to report it to the Alaska State Troopers, federal law enforcement or Ahtna staff. Or if they do report it, they can share only limited information, making it difficult to press criminal charges and obtain a conviction through the court system.
Our Land and Corporate Communications departments have collaborated to develop an online reporting system to afford shareholders an easier way to report illegal activities. Illegal activities may include general trespass, firewood cutting, fish theft, and non-permitted hunting or camping. Reports can be filed online at It’s important to note the date, location, number of people in the party, and the make, model and year of vehicles involved. Photographs are also extremely helpful and can be shared via the form!
Each illegal activity report will be processed immediately and can be submitted anonymously. All illegal activity reports resulting in a conviction will be entered in a quarterly drawing for a $250 prize.
Tsin’aen for your assistance in making Ahtna lands safe for all!