The Native Village of Tazlina has successfully concluded its homeland recovery project. On June 21st, a significant milestone was reached as all the necessary documents were signed, officially transferring ownership of over 400 acres from the Archdiocese of Anchorage to the Village. With the completion of this project, the Native Village of Tazlina has taken a crucial step in reclaiming and preserving its ancestral lands. This ownership transfer signifies a moment of triumph for the community, as it allows them to regain control and stewardship over their traditional territory.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate this achievement was held at the site on Friday, July 21, 2023.
The dedication and hard work invested in this endeavor highlight the Village’s commitment to preserving their cultural heritage, protecting their sacred connections to the land, and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
This accomplishment not only solidifies the Village’s sense of identity and connection to their roots but also opens new possibilities for cultural activities, economic endeavors, and community development that align with their values and traditions. The regained ownership empowers the Native Village of Tazlina to make decisions that will positively impact their community and shape the destiny of their homeland.