We are excited to announce recent enhancements to the MyAhtna shareholder portal!
To register or access your account visit MyAhtna.com.
Sign Up for Text Alerts
Want to be updated on important announcements, events and news from Ahtna? Now you can sign up to receive text alerts under My Contact Info>Mailing Preferences. Clicking the “Allow Texts” checkbox will register you for text alerts and you will receive a confirmation text. Note: the system will not allow you to save this option unless you have a cellular phone number on file in the system.
Access to Wards
Shareholders are now able to view and update information for the minors and wards for whom they are custodians. Custodians who are not shareholders can also register and update their information and that of their wards.
Any user with wards will see a new menu item titled “My Wards.” Click this to view the wards.
Shareholders with garnishments can now view their current garnishments in the Portal under the “My Financial Info” tab.
Stock Wills
Stock wills that Portal users have on file with the corporation can now be viewed and downloaded through Portal. This makes it easy for shareholders to review the information in their stock wills.
For MyAhtna Portal assistance contact Shareholder Services at (907) 822-3476 or shservices@ahtna.net.