Building security has become increasingly important for organizations and Ahtna is no exception. We have an obligation to protect our employees and those who visit our offices. The need for security is balanced with the need to keep our offices accessible to visitors such as our shareholders. We want you to be aware of some recent security changes at our corporate offices in Glennallen, Anchorage and Sacramento.
Access to these offices is now restricted 24/7. Internal communication systems and procedures have been implemented to allow our front desk staff to ensure an individual needs access for business purposes before letting them into functional office areas. Visitors are required to sign in at the front desk before receiving a temporary visitor badge and in nearly all cases must be escorted by an Ahtna employee while in the building.
When leaving, visitors will need to sign out and turn their visitor badge into the front desk. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to improve our visitor management systems and procedures.
Brought to you by Ahtna’s Safety, Health and Environmental Programs (SHEP) team – where Safety is our Commitment! See Something-Say Something