Wishing all of our Elders a birthday filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy Birthday from the Ahtna Board of Directors and staff!
- Albert Fleury
- Carol Brollier
- Clarence Smelcer Jr
- Deborah Barlip
- Diane Cronin
- Donna Ewan
- Donna Renard
- Doris Craig
- Dorothy Hancock
- Elmer Tyone
- Fred John Jr
- Gerald Mahle Sr
- Geraldine Fleury
- Henrietta Rankin
- Karen Johns
- Katherine Nicolai
- Kevin Jacobson
- Marsha Armstrong
- Martha Fletcher
- Mary Fier Barlip
- Michael Cantrell
- Robert Gene
- Shirley Miller
- Stephen Pete
- Susan Taylor
- Virginia Wise
- Barbara Bush
- Connie Sanford
- Curtis Phillips
- Cynthia Fitzgerald
- David Fier
- Delia Renard
- Donald Pennington
- Douglas MacArthur
- Gordon Carlson
- Irene Gurtler
- John Sanford
- John Engebretson
- John Rice
- Julia Leeper
- Katherine Kindgren
- Lee Nicolie
- Lena Charley
- Libby Chavez
- Loretta Sanford
- Loretta Bryant
- Margaret Olson
- Mariann Falcone
- Mary Bowman
- Ray Stickwan
- Sally Gosnell
- Sharon Smithart
- Steven Nicholas
- Thomas Stevens
- Timothy Pete
- Tina Jaynes
- Victor Spencer
- Arnold Engebretson
- Bud Carlson
- Calvin Justin
- Carolyn Riley
- Darren Huennekens
- Donna Pennington
- Dorothy Espinosa
- Elsie Rieck
- Esther Robinson
- Evelyn Dunlop
- Gary Monroe
- George Aguillon
- Geraldine Empey
- Huston Sanford Jr
- Joseph Anderson
- Joyce Huennekens
- Laura Winemiller
- Lee Adler
- Lonita Lohse
- Louisa Yoshimoto
- Lynus Beattus
- Margie Ewan
- Marie Racelis
- Mechele Fassler
- Newell Anderson Jr
- Pamela Trinidad
- Raymond Craig
- Rebbeca Swoboda
- Ronald Barlip
- Rosemarie Lish
- Sarah Pence
- Stoney Nicklie
- Thomas Sanford
- Troy Mackey
- Vernon Carlson
Violet Robinson