AGSC has quietly surpassed 1,100,000 work hours without a “lost time/days lost” Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable incident. In fact, the last “lost time/days lost” OSHA recordable incident was over 12 years ago in 2008. Additionally, AGSC has never had an OSHA violation or other regulatory notice of violation. This is truly a remarkable milestone, considering the number and types of projects AGSC has been engaged in, including heavy civil construction, hazardous waste remediation and abatement, operations, and maintenance. AGSC’s clients include government, military and private industry, and projects have been completed at multiple locations in the US and abroad, many under difficult and demanding conditions.
OSH success starts with leadership and management commitment. AGSC President Craig O’Rourke attributes the company’s success to David Frenzel, Brian Gough, Randy Rogers, Chris Smith (former AGSC President), Michala Iverson, Ashley Gaskell, Brett Larson, Archie Rabasto, Andrew Guest, and many others over the years. All AGSC employees, supervisors and managers should be very proud. Although the number of workdays without a days-lost incident was never the goal, exceeding 1.1 million work hours is truly incredible. Hard work, a commitment to safety excellence, developing and implementing a culture of safety – all have led to AGSC’s safety success and, in many ways, the success of the entire Ahtna organization. Nice work, AGSC Team!