Ahtna Design-Build, under its SBA Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture (JV) with CDM Smith, has a $1.5 Billion, 8-year, IDIQ contract with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Center for engineering and construction services across the U.S. The JV was just awarded a $22.9M task order under this contract for the design-build construction of new bulk diesel fuel storage facilities at two remote Alaska Long Range Radar Sites (LRRS) at Tatalina and Cape Newenham. This project involves demolition and removal of the existing fuels systems in addition to the design and installation of the new fuel tanks and distribution system.
The existing diesel fuel systems are over 200,000 gallons with multiple tanks, significant ancillary piping and facilities that are all to be demolished and replaced with larger systems. The two sites are very remote and can only be accessed by barge and/or air. While the diesel storage facilities are similar, each LRRS location presents its own unique logistical challenges that we needed to identify and plan for in our proposal. Our proposal included several barge trips and numerous small plane and C-130 flights to transport materials, equipment, and personnel over the 2-year project timeframe. It’s notable that while this task order was awarded to the JV, Ahtna will be responsible for performing 95% of this task as CDM has a fairly minor role. Dave O’Donnell’s ACPPC group helped significantly with bidding the civil construction portion of the project and will be counted upon to assist ADB in performing this effort.