What is it?
AITRC is looking into the health of the moose population in the Ahtna Traditional Use Territory. To do this they are collecting small samples of different organs, muscle, and other items from harvested moose. We need your help!
How can you help?
After harvesting a moose, collect the needed samples using the sampling kit and fill out the data sheet, then keep samples frozen until you can drop them off at AITRC (Mile 187 Glenn HWY Glennallen, AK 99588). If you are unable to drop the samples off you can call AITRC (907-822-4466) and an AITRC employee will arrange a time to pick the samples up from you. When you pick up a sampling kit AITRC employees can demonstrate how to take the samples.
What is needed?
Sampling kits can be picked up at AITRC, ADF&G Glennallen, or BLM Glennallen Field Office. You can also print off a data form at ahtnatribal.org/MooseHealth and put samples in individual Ziploc bags.
▪ Liver (2 in. x 2 in.)
▪ Kidney (1/2 in. cross section through the middle or a whole kidney)
▪ Muscle tissue (2 in. x 2 in.)
▪ Jaw bone or 2 incisor teeth
▪ 4+ fecal pellets
▪ 5+ hairs with follicles
Thank you!
This project will not be possible without the generous sample donations from harvesters. We thank you for taking the time to fill out the data sheet and collect samples so we can continue to do research that is important to the Ahtna people and the surrounding community.
As a sign of our thanks those who submit a filled-out data sheet and all samples to AITRC will have their names entered in a drawing for one of three $100 Bass Pro gift cards.