Salvage Requirement Regulation for 2020 – 2021 CSH Moose and Caribou
- Moose and caribou meat of the forequarters, hindquarters, ribs, brisket, neck, and back bone must remain naturally attached to the bone until delivered to the place where it is processed for human consumption.
Permits for 2020 – 2021 CSH Moose and Caribou
- If community members, who are age 18+ years, did not provide hunting license on their CSH moose/caribou applications, they will have to pick up moose/caribou permits at Glennallen or Palmer Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADFG) Office.
- Please call (907) 822-3461 at ADFG Office in Glennallen, AK or at ADFG Office in Palmer, AK at (907) 746-3600 about questions concerning moose/caribou permits.
- If community members wrote their hunting license numbers on their 2020-2021 CSH Moose application, locking tag should have been mailed to them.
2020-2021 Locking Tags
- Transfer of locking tag is up to the discretion of each locking tag beneficiary or you may return to Ahtna, Inc. Office. Please call (907) 822-3476.
2020-2021 Moose Information
- Any Bull Moose locking tag must be attached to the main beam of moose antler or lower jaw immediately upon kill of an Any Bull Moose.
- Unit 13 Moose season begins August 20 to September 20.
- Hunters must call ADF&G – (907) 822-3461 – within 24 hours to report all moose harvest after immediately leaving the field or report online at
- If the 100 Any Bull Moose quota is reached in subunits of Unit 13 and Unit 11 before Any Bull Moose season ends, ADF&G will close moose hunting season in these units by Emergency Order.
- In Unit 11 on National Preserve Lands, moose hunting season for (CM300) and (Tier II CSH moose) begins August 10 and ends September 20.
- Please call ADF&G hotline at (907) 822-6789 to get an update on the quota for (Tier II CSH Any Bull Moose) hunt.
- CSH Hunters must salvage moose head, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, and hide, as well as all edible meat from the forequarters, hindquarters, ribs, neck, and backbone.
- No member of the household can hold any state drawing/Tier I/Tier II/registration moose hunts, hold general season moose harvest tickets, or hold federal moose permits outside of the CSH hunt area.
- After the CSH hunt has ended, unsuccessful individual household members may hold state harvest tickets or permits for areas where the bag limit is greater than one moose per person.
- No member of the household can hold any state or federal drawing/Tier I/Tier II/registration caribou permits outside the Copper Basin CSH hunt area.
- CSH community members who signed up in 2020-2021 Ahtna Tene Nene’ C&T Group have made a 2-year commitment to the Ahtna Tene Nene’ Group. No new members will be added to the Ahtna Tene Nene’ CSH Group in December 2020.
- Ahtna Tene Nene’ community members must share meat and other parts of the moose and caribou and participate in one sharing event.
- Caribou and moose meat, organs, moose hide, and moose stomach, may be dropped off at the Ahtna, Inc. Glennallen Office during businesses hours of Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Ahtna Tene Nene community members may have a Designated Hunter, however, CSH Permittee is still responsible for returning moose and caribou harvest reports to ADF&G Office.
- Both Ahtna Tene Nene community member and Designated Hunter must be signed up in the Ahtna Tene Nene’ C&T Community Subsistence Hunt Harvest Permit Program.
- Designated Hunters must carry Ahtna Tene Nene community members’ and his or her moose and/or caribou harvest ticket/reports while hunting in the field.
- Ahtna Tene Nene’ Hunters must abide by all applicable state hunting regulations, and statute requirements including licensing, hunter education, CSH eligibility requirements, reporting requirements and hunt conditions.
- CSH moose harvest permits must be carried in the field while hunting, and must be validated immediately upon killing an animal and before leaving the kill site, and must remain in the hunter’s possession until the animal has been delivered to the location of processing for human consumption.
- All household members agreed to the CSH hunt conditions when he or she completed an online CSH moose and caribou application.
- Ahtna Tene Nene community member can be on the Failure to Report (FTR) List and still be counted as a community member, however he or she will not be allowed to participate in the CSH hunt activities.
- If a hunter is unsuccessful in harvesting a moose, he or she must return his or her moose permit within 15 days after the close of the moose hunting season.
2020 – 2021 CSH Caribou
- Please call the ADF&G hotline at (907) 822-6789 to get an update on the quota for the 2020-2021 CSH Caribou hunt.
- CSH community members may also report Unit 13 Nelchina Bull Caribou harvest online at
- Call (907) 822-3461) or (907) 861-2100) to report Unit 13 Nelchina Bull Caribou harvest.
- CSH caribou harvest permits must be carried in the field while hunting, and must be validated immediately upon killing an animal and before leaving the kill site, and must remain in the hunter’s possession until the animal has been delivered to the location of processing for human consumption.
- Ahtna Tene Nene community member can be on the Failure to Report (FTR) List and still be counted as a community member, however he or she will not be allowed to participate in hunting activities.
- All Ahtna Tene Nene community members in the 2020-2021 CSH Caribou hunt may not hold any state drawing permits, Tier I, Tier II, Registration caribou hunts, or hold general season caribou harvest tickets or hold federal caribou permits outside of the CSH Hunt area.
- No Ahtna Tene Nene community member of the CSH Participant household participating in the CSH caribou hunt can hold any state or federal drawing/Tier I/Tier II/registration moose permits outside the CSH hunt area.
- CSH Hunters must salvage caribou heart, liver, kidneys, and fat, as well as all edible meat from the forequarters, hindquarters, ribs, neck, and backbone meat of the forequarters, hindquarters, ribs, brisket, neck, and back bone.
- Unit 13 Bull Nelchina Caribou quota is up to 400. Caribou season dates are from August 10 to September 20.
- If ADFG does not call for an Emergency Order Closure in Game Management Unit 13, caribou winter hunt will be open from October 21 to March 31.
- ADF&G will issue one Copper Basin Unit 13 CSH Nelchina caribou permit to each household member.
- GMU 13 Nelchina Caribou bag limit is only 1 Nelchina caribou per household.
- Successful hunters must report within 3 days of harvesting a caribou. You may report online at, phone number to call is 907 822-3461, or mail in 2020-2021 caribou permit to Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
- If community members are unsuccessful in harvesting a caribou, caribou permits must be filled out and returned to Alaska Department of Fish and Game within 15 days after caribou hunting season ends.
2020 2021 CSH Moose and Caribou Household Report
- ADFG will email a 2020-2021 CSH household moose and caribou household report (form) to community member households.
- You may also fill out 2020-2021 CSH household Moose and Caribou report online at
- 2020-2021 CSH Moose and caribou household report is voluntary.
- Ahtna Tene Nene community members are encouraged to fill out the caribou and moose report. This information is needed to provide Alaska Board of Game to make decisions on subsistence hunts, C&T determinations, Amounts Necessary for Subsistence and Rural and Non-Rural Determinations.
- Ahtna Tene Nene’ coordinator is required to return 2020-2021 CSH moose and caribou household reports to ADFG office.
- Please return 2020-2021 CSH household reports for moose and caribou to Ms. Stickwan at:
Ahtna Inc.
P.O. Box 649
Glennallen, Alaska 99588
Email Household moose and caribou report to: